In today’s society, control of the subject is constant. This is the case in all kinds of contexts: if one is unemployed, when one’s work is evaluated, or when one’s actions at work are monitored, for example, how and how much we surf on the internet, etc. There is also a monitoring of the medicines we ingest, an evaluation of one’s proficiency in speaking the national language, or the quantification of the number of academic articles one has published as well as the status rating of those journals. It is not a question of quality, but one of numbers, which can be measured. Two important criteria within this logic of evaluation are effectiveness

and flexibility. One has to be effective and flexible, otherwise one will end up losing one’s job, losing the possibility of finishing one’s education, or of receiving unemployment benefits. The measuring of numbers presumes transparency. The subject is not only controlled, but must also be able to know, understand, and explain him-or herself completely.