As with the architecture and sculpture of the latter half

of the fi fteenth century, the effects of religious and

political confl ict in Florence are sometimes refl ected in

paintings. For example, tension is as characteristic of

the fi gures in Pollaiuolo’s pictures as it is of his sculp-

ture, though its source is diffi cult to identify. Botticelli’s

commission to paint the Pazzi conspirators on the walls

of the Palazzo Vecchio indicates his alliance with the

Medici family and proximity to political events. His late

work seems to have been profoundly infl uenced by the

moral fervor of Savonarola, just as Donatello’s seems to

have been affected by the preaching of Antoninus. In

Botticelli’s case Savonarola’s impact is confi rmed by the

artist himself.