Guarantee prostitutes all human rights and civil liberties, including the freedom of speech, travel, immigration, work, marriage, and motherhood and the right to unemployment insurance, health insurance and housing. There should be a committee to insure the protection of the rights of the prostitutes and to whom prostitutes can address their complaints. Support educational programs to change social attitudes which stigmatize and discriminate against prostitutes and ex-prostitutes of any race, gender or nationality. Women known to be prostitutes or sex workers, like women known to be lesbians, are regularly denied custody of their children in many countries. The International Committee for Prostitutes’ Rights realizes (ICPR) that up until the women’s movement in most countries has not, or has only marginally, included prostitutes as spokeswomen and theorists. The World Charter of Prostitutes’ Rights which was adopted by the ICPR in 1985 demands that prostitution be redefined as legitimate work and that prostitutes be redefined as legitimate citizens.