First published in 1993. In the 1990s the education service faces challenging new priorities. As teachers seek to extend their skills and develop new expertise, they need continued, career-long professional development. This volume examines how teachers play key roles in providing and evaluating training. From schools in four education authorities varied styles of INSET are represented, drawing on words and experience of those at the centre of INSET activities. The book reflects some of the problems they face and how these are resolved. The authors link theory with practice of evaluation. They address issues of principle alongside day-to-day experience. This book offers a range of alternative models and styles of INSET for practitioners to consider and adapt to their own needs. The authors recognize the value of practitioner knowledge and suggest that in evaluating INSET, teachers can articulate for themselves and for an outside audience provide much information about what it means to teach and learn.

part 1|32 pages

Staff Roles and In-Service Education and Training

chapter 3|11 pages

A Staff Development Group at Work

chapter 4|20 pages

Being An INSET Coordinator

chapter 5|16 pages

The Teacher as Trainer

part 2|26 pages

Processes of In-Service Education and Training

chapter 6|25 pages

Identifying INSET Needs

chapter 8|21 pages

Professional Development Days