As a food, milk has been revered and ignored, respected and feared. In the face of its 'material resistance', attempts were made to purify it of dirt and disease, and to standardize its fat content. This is a history of the struggle to bring milk under control, to manipulate its naturally variable composition and, as a result, to redraw the boundaries between nature and society. Peter Atkins follows two centuries of dynamic and intriguing food history, shedding light on the resistance of natural products to the ordering of science. After this look at the stuff in foodstuffs, it is impossible to see the modern diet in the same way again.

part I|46 pages

Rematerializing Food History

chapter |8 pages

Introduction to Part I

chapter 1|28 pages

A Material World

chapter 2|8 pages

Daniel Schrumpf

A Trial by Instruments

part II|85 pages

In Search of Milk

chapter |6 pages

Introduction to Part II

chapter 3|36 pages

Seeking the Natural

Laboratories and the ‘Knowability' of Milk

chapter 4|24 pages


chapter 5|18 pages


part III|87 pages

Disciplining Milk

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to Part III

chapter 6|22 pages

Moralizing Milk

chapter 7|36 pages

Policing the Natural

part IV|59 pages

Impurity and Danger

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to Part IV

chapter 9|22 pages

Dirty Milk and the Ontology of ‘Clean'

chapter 10|30 pages

The Material Politics of Milk

chapter 11|4 pages

Conclusion 1