By 1936, after a decade of Civil War and even before the Xi'an Incident, Mao Zedong had begun talking about a "New Stage" of cooperation between the Guomindang and the Communist Party. With the establishment of a framework for cooperation between the two parties, and as Japan began its brutal war against China, Mao began to develop this theme more systematically in both the political and military spheres. This volume documents the evolution of Mao's thinking in this area that found its culmination in his long report to the Sixth Enlarged Plenum of the Central Committee in October, 1938, explicitly entitled "On the New Stage" and presented here in its entirety. It was also during this period that Mao delivered a course of lectures on dialectical materialism after reading and annotating a number of works on Marxist theory by Soviet and Chinese authors. These lectures, from which "On Practice" and "On Contradiction" were later extracted, are also translated here in their entirety.

part |570 pages


part |174 pages


chapter |3 pages

On Lu Xun

Speech at the Memorial Meeting at the North Shaanxi Public School (October 19, 1937)

part |394 pages


chapter |71 pages

On Protracted War

A Speech at the Yan'an Symposium on the War of Resistance Against Japan from May 26 to June 3, 1938

chapter |84 pages

On the New Stage

The New Stage in the Development of the National War of Resistance Against Japan and the Anti-Japanese National United Front (Report to the Enlarged Sixth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, from October 12 to October 14, 1938)

part |11 pages

Brief Sayings and Inscriptions (October 23,1937)