Modeling the impact and influence of contextual factors on human development is something that many talk about but few actually do. The goal of this book is to provide researchers with an accessible guide to understanding the many different ways that contextual factors can be including in longitudinal studies of human development.

Preface, 1. Modeling Ecological and Contextual Effects in Longitudinal Studies of Human Development, 2. Statistical Analysis With Incomplete Data: A Developmental Perspective, 3. Alternatives to Traditional Model Comparison Strategies for Covariance Structure Models, 4. Impact of Measurement Scale in Modeling Developmental Processes and Ecological Factors, 5. The Incorporation of Categorical Measurement Models in the Analysis of Individual Growth, 6. Representing Contextual Effects in Multiple-Group MACS Models, 7. Multilevel Structural Equation Models for Contextual Factors, 8. Mixed-Effects Regression Models With Heterogeneous Variance: Analyzing Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Data, 9. Structural Equation Modeling of Mediation and Moderation With Contextual Factors, 10. Moderating Effects of a Risk Factor: Modeling Longitudinal Moderated Mediation in the Development of Adolescent Heavy Drinking, 11. Modeling Complex Interactions: Person-Centered and Variable-Centered Approaches, 12. Accounting for Statistical Dependency in Longitudinal Data on Dyads, 13. Coupled Dynamics and Mutually Adaptive Context, 14. Modeling Intraindividual and Intracontextual Change: Rendering Developmental Contextualism Operational, 15. The Shape of Things to Come: Diagnosing Social Contagion From Adolescent Smoking and Drinking Curves, 16. A Dynamic Structural Analysis of the Impacts of Context on Shifts in Lifespan Cognitive Development, 17. Intrauterine Environment Affects Infant and Child Outcomes: Environment as Direct Effect, 18. Conceptualizing and Measuring the Context Within Person ←→ Context Models of Human Development: Implications for Theory, Research and Application, Author Index, Subject Index