Although the Great Anti-Cult Crusade links new religious movements to dangerous cults, brainwashing, and the need for deprogramming, Karla Poewe and Irving Hexham argue that many cults are the product of a dynamic interaction between folk religions and the teachings of traditional world religions. Drawing on examples from Africa, the United States, Asia, and Europe, they suggest that few new religions are really new. Most draw on rich, if localized, cultural traditions that are shaped anew by the influence of technological change and international linkages. With the widespread loss of belief in biblical mythology in the nineteenth century, new mythologies based on science and elements derived from various non-Western religious traditions emerged, leading to the growth and popularity of new religions and cults.

chapter 1|25 pages

The Great Anti-cult Crusade

chapter 3|18 pages

New Religions as Global Cultures

chapter 4|19 pages

New Religions and Primal Experiences

chapter 5|20 pages

Myths and Mythological Fragments

chapter 6|21 pages

Yogic and Abramic Religions

chapter 7|19 pages

The Membership Process

chapter 8|18 pages

New Religions: New Visions

chapter 9|9 pages

How Dangerous Are New Religions?