This book is about the ways which human behavior is affected concerns with people may be doing, their public impressions they typically prefer that No matter what else other people perceive them in certain desired ways and not perceive them in other, undesired ways. Put simply, human beings have a pervasive and ongoing concern with their self-presentations. Sometimes they act in ceflain ways just to make a particular impression on someone else mras when a job applicant responds inthat will satisfactorily impress the interviewer. But more often, people 5 concerns with others’ impressions simply constrain their behavioural options. Most of the time inclined to do things that will lead others to see us as incompetent, inwnoral, maladjusted, or otherwise socially undesirable. As a result, our concerns with others’ impressions limit what we are willing to do.Self-presentation almotives underlie and pervade near corner of interpersonal life.

chapter Chapter 1|15 pages


chapter Chapter 2|35 pages


chapter Chapter 3|26 pages

The Self-Presentational Motive

chapter Chapter 4|26 pages

The Social Context: Norms and Roles

chapter Chapter 5|22 pages

The Target’s Values

chapter Chapter 6|24 pages

Current Social Image

chapter Chapter 7|19 pages

Instrumental Complementarity

chapter Chapter 8|23 pages

The Private Self

chapter Chapter 9|23 pages

Worrying about Impressions