"The Encyclopedia of Microcomputers serves as the ideal companion reference to the popular Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology. Now in its 10th year of publication, this timely reference work details the broad spectrum of microcomputer technology, including microcomputer history; explains and illustrates the use of microcomputers throughout academe, business, government, and society in general; and assesses the future impact of this rapidly changing technology."

entry |6 pages

Access Methods

entry |2 pages

Access Technology, Inc.

entry |18 pages

Aerospace Digital Crewstations

entry |30 pages


entry |9 pages

Alpha Microsystems

entry |8 pages

Altos Computer Systems

entry |21 pages

American Society for Information Science—History

entry |5 pages

Ametek: Houston Instrument Division

entry |4 pages

Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion

entry |11 pages

Analysis of the Economics of Gas and Oil (EGO)

entry |24 pages

The Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Personal Computer

entry |11 pages

Animation of Network-Based Simulation Models

entry |12 pages

ANSI-The American National Standards Institute

entry |53 pages

APL for Microcomputers

entry |3 pages

Apollo Computer, Inc.

entry |4 pages

Apple Computer, Inc.

entry |14 pages

Application Software, Evaluation (see also Applications Software Reviewing)

entry |4 pages

Applications Software Reviewing (see also Application Software, Evaluation).ion)

entry |5 pages

Applied Digital Data Systems Inc.

entry |38 pages

Architecture of Microprocessors*

entry |42 pages

Artificial Intelligence

entry |17 pages

Artificial Intelligence for Automobile Manufacturing

entry |27 pages

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Chemistry

entry |7 pages


entry |7 pages

Asthon—Tate, Inc.

entry |52 pages

Assembly Language and Assemblers