There is virtually no part of the world that is not affected by chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD); therefore, efforts to address the serious impact of this disease

have had a global dimension fromvery early on. Landmark reports on global health (1,2),

highlighting the current burden of disease and predicting a dramatic rise inmorbidity and

mortality fromCOPD, have focused the minds of clinicians and public health physicians

on the potential to turn these devastating statistics around. Epidemiologic data indicating

the rise in the burden of COPD against a background of impressive falls in mortality and

prevalence of other chronic diseases further emphasize the urgent need to implement

strategies to curb the growth of COPD (3,4). The development of regional and global

guidelines for COPD care has been one vital strategy in the promotion of lung health and

the prevention and optimal management of COPD (5,6).