I. INDICATIONS Abdominal wall defects can present as deficiency of the fascia, and/or overlying skin and soft tissue. Factors frequently associated with the defects are infection or contamination, location, size, previous abdominal operations, and coexisting medical conditions. Indications for reconstruction of the abdominal wall can be grouped into two main areas: congenital or acquired. Congenital defects of the anterior abdominal wall may range from a 1 cm defect at the umbilicus to large fascial defects with evisceration (1). Although not frequently seen in the adult population, these commonly include gastrochisis and omphaloceles. Because the focus of the chapter does not include these pediatric defects, we will focus our discussions on acquired defects. The latter includes trauma, infection, ventral wall hernias, abdominal wall tumors, and irradiation.