Every product sold at the retail level in the United States contains a fill designation. This is in the form of weight, ounces or pounds, or as volume fluid ounces. The Code of Federal Regulations 21CFR101 states that the principal display panel of the label must be in U.S. pounds (lbs) and ounces (oz) and metric scale kilograms (kg) and grams (g) for a dry product and fluid ounces (fl. oz) and metric scale milliliters (ml) for a liquid product. The net weight must be listed as the minimum net weight, not the average net weight. Therefore, it is important that if the company is selling a product to a customer, it is able to prove that it meets this federal guideline because at various times the product may be purchased by the Department of Weights and Measures, which conducts studies to determine if it truly does meet the standard. To ensure that all products produced meet federal fill guidelines, a weight/fill control program needs to be established, documented, and monitored.