Otitis media is one of the most common diseases of early childhood. The incidence is highest

between 6 and 18 months. There are four defined types of otitis media (1): (i) acute otitis media

(AOM) is characterized by a rapid onset of signs and symptoms of middle-ear inflammation.

Earache, bulging of the tympanic membrane, and purulent exudate characterize the early

phase of infection. Even though clinical signs and symptoms resolve rapidly, the effusion can

persist; (ii) otitis media with effusion (OME) refers to the presence of asymptomatic effusion. It

may follow acute otitis media with effusion (AOME) or appear as silent or secretory otitis

media; (iii) chronic otitis media with effusion (COME) denotes a persistence of fluid for three

months or longer. The fluid is more mucoid, so-called glue ear; and (iv) chronic suppurative

otitis media (CSOM) signifies chronic drainage through a perforation of the tympanic
