TABLE 35.6 Multiplication Factor (= 100/Remaining Factor)—to be Applied Against a Measured Value at Some Time After Start of Washout to Determine Initial Value; Hyperbaric Condition = 1580 mmHg (2×Normobaric) O2 level→ 21% Normobaric 100% Normobaric 100% Hyperbaric Activity→ Rest 2 × Rest 3 × Rest Rest 2 × Rest Rest Time (min) Remaining Factor (%)

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Criteria for the Occupational and/or Environmental-Relatedness of Disease: “Sir Bradford-Hill’s criteria for causation were developed for use in the field

of occupational medicine, but have been widely applied in other fields.9,10,11 These criteria serve as a general guide, and are not meant to be an inflexible list. Not all criteria must be fulfilled to establish scientific causation. The key criteria required to establish causation are commonly, (1) temporal relationship, (2) specificity, (3) biological plausibility, and (4) coherence.