Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a

powerful method of elucidating the structure and dynamics

of a wide range of materials. Most NMR analyses are

conducted on condensed phases, such as organic, organome-

tallic, and biological molecules in solution, as well as

solid-state materials such as glasses and polymers. The

capabilities of NMR have been extended constantly over

the past 60 years, and it has become one of the most power-

ful and widely used spectroscopic techniques available.

NMR spectroscopy was first developed by the research

groups of Bloch and Purcell in the 1940s (Bloch, 1946;

Purcell, 1946). This work was recognized by the 1952

Nobel Prize in Physics. The initial chemical applications

of NMR were to 1H and 19F nuclei in solution, and it soon

became apparent that the highly resolved spectra of

organic molecules could be used to determine chemical

structure (Arnold et al., 1951; Dickenson, 1950). New devel-

opments in theory and experiment also followed quickly,

starting with Hahn’s work on spin echoes (Kaplan and

Hahn, 1957), the advent of double-resonance experiments

(Emshwiller et al., 1960; Hartmann and Hahn, 1962), and

magic angle spinning (MAS) for solid-state samples

(Andrew et al., 1959; Lowe, 1959). Sensitivity was the

major limitation of NMR at the start of the 1960s, with the

only available instrumentation being of the continuous-wave

(CW) variety. The development of Fourier transform

(FT)-NMR using pulsed excitation, first studied by Lowe