Introduction 929

Classification of the Sunscreen Market 931

Daily Wear and Long-Term Protective Products 931

Premium and Specialty Brands 932

Mass Market Brands 933

Direct Sales Brands 933

Tanning Products 934

Recreational Products 935

Future Trends 937

New Regulations 937

Advances in Technology 938

Conclusions 940

References 940


The sunscreen market is expanding dramatically in response to the alarming

increase in the incidence of skin cancer worldwide (this volume, chapter by

Nelson). Fears of excessive tanning have done away with the old days of greasing

up with coconut fragranced oil for hours motionless under the sun. This, however,

has neither quelled the desire for a healthy glow nor has it stopped consumers

from pursuing an active lifestyle. A general survey of the sunscreen products

currently available reveals a market that mirrors the changing behaviors of

today’s consumer. Consumers have become more diligent than they once were

about sun protection and the industry has responded with creativity in ingredi-

ents, packaging, and applications.