The Global Journalist in the 21st Century systematically assesses the demographics, education, socialization, professional attitudes and working conditions of journalists in various countries around the world. This book updates the original Global Journalist (1998) volume with new data, adding more than a dozen countries, and provides material on comparative research about journalists that will be useful to those interested in doing their own studies.

The editors put together this collection working under the assumption that journalists’ backgrounds, working conditions and ideas are related to what is reported (and how it is covered) in the various news media round the world, in spite of societal and organizational constraints, and that this news coverage matters in terms of world public opinion and policies. Outstanding features include:

  • Coverage of 33 nations located around the globe, based on recent surveys conducted among representative samples of local journalists

  • Comprehensive analyses by well-known media scholars from each country

  • A section on comparative studies of journalists

  • An appendix with a collection of survey questions used in various nations to question journalists

As the most comprehensive and reliable source on journalists around the world, The Global Journalist will serve as the primary source for evaluating the state of journalism. As such, it promises to become a standard reference among journalism, media, and communication students and researchers around the world.

chapter 1|5 pages


part |106 pages

Journalists in Asia

chapter 3|14 pages

Journalists in Hong Kong

A Decade after the Transfer of Sovereignty

chapter 5|14 pages

The Japanese Journalist in Transition

Continuity and Change

chapter 8|13 pages

Singapore Journalism

Buying into a Winning Formula

chapter 9|9 pages

Journalists in Taiwan

part |25 pages

Journalists in Australia and New Zealand

part |192 pages

Journalists in Europe

chapter 13|16 pages

Media Professionals or Organizational Marionettes?

Professional Values and Constraints of Danish Journalists

chapter 14|16 pages

Finnish Journalists

The Quest for Quality amidst New Pressures

chapter 15|18 pages

The French Journalist

chapter 17|14 pages

British Journalists

chapter 18|8 pages

Journalism in Hungary

chapter 22|12 pages

Journalism in Slovenia

chapter 24|14 pages

Swedish Journalists

Between Professionalization and Commercialization

chapter 25|11 pages

Journalists in Switzerland

Structure and Attitudes

part |63 pages

Journalists in South America

chapter 29|18 pages

The Chilean Journalist

chapter 31|13 pages

Major Trends of Journalist Studies in Latin America

A Meta-Analysis of Five Decades of Research

part |43 pages

Journalists in the Middle East

chapter 32|14 pages

Arab Journalists

chapter 33|15 pages

Journalists in Israel

part |55 pages

Comparative Studies of Journalism

chapter 37|15 pages

Political Journalists

Covering Politics in the Democratic-Corporatist Media System

part |25 pages


chapter 38|23 pages

Journalists in the 21st Century
