By uncompromisingly refusing to take refuge in an “alibi”, physics was constantly thrown back on itself. By uncompromisingly refusing to take refuge in an “alibi”, physics was constantly thrown back on itself. This had two consequences. First, this guaranteed that “nature” was a priori “opened up” as something fundamentally unknown, an endless labyrinth to be entered, and that this basic vision would be perpetually enforced. Both mythical Mother Earth and theological “God’s creation” had been ontologically present and complete because their ultimate essence was given, in the one manifestly as an epiphany, in the other only to faith as God’s revelation about the world. Second, by being entirely thrown back on itself, physics had no escape. It was cornered, given over to Necessity, forced onto an inevitable course, the course of an analytical insearch for ever deeper, more hidden causes contained in “nature,” i.e., in physics’ fundamental vision of the world.