The Information Age is the age of “contradictions” and “changes.” The countries that are not flexible enough to adapt to these changes may soon be facing the consequences. Information blockade can be understood as an analogy to material blockade. Cyberwarfare is the broadest form of information warfare. It involves “the actions by a nation-state or international organization to attack and attempt to damage another nation’s computers or information networks through, computer viruses, denial-of-service attacks. Information Warfare is inextricably linked with Network-Centric Warfare, wherein the latter focuses on gathering, processing and distributing information in order to accelerate the observation, orientation, decision action loop. Network-Centric Warfare suggests that by fighting in a networked condition, one can easily increase combat effectiveness beyond the level obtained by fighting as an aggregate of individual platforms. In the information era, flow of information have been constantly replacing movement of people and resources.