Elite sport, like many performance settings, is highly demanding and athletes face various organisational, competitive, and personal stressors in the pursuit of performance excellence. Accordingly, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is based on the notion that when encountered with adversity (i.e., failure, rejection, or setbacks) those who harbour irrational beliefs will experience unhealthy negative emotions (i.e., anxiety, depression, unhealthy rage) and maladaptive behaviours (e.g., avoidance, disproportionate behaviours) that hinder goal achievement. Whereas those with rational beliefs, will experience healthy negative emotions (i.e., concern, sadness, healthy anger) and adaptive behaviours that help goal achievement. In this chapter the authors explore the underpinning theory and philosophy of REBT whilst exploring the extant research and the practical applications of using REBT within soccer.