This chapter analyzes possible reasons for assigning Dionysius the Areopagite as the author. It also discusses some proposed candidates for the authorship of the corpus. In the context of proliferation of pseudonymous literature in the 5-6th cen. the Areopagitica presents an unprecedented case. If the actual author intended to present the corpus as coming from the first century, attributing this corpus to an author unknown for his writings, especially one who belongs to the New Testament period, places the acceptance of these works at risk rather than promotes them. Another intriguing factor is that the corpus does not seem to make a significant effort to emphasize this historical affiliation. Proposed reasons for affiliation of the corpus with Dionysius the Areopagite might include not historical but rather literary significance. In other words, apostolic connection and Patristic authority were projected not in a historical perspective but in metaphorical one. This is why the Areopagitica does not reveal much personal information about either the actual or proposed author.