All three of the Anthony Cartwright novels looked at in this chapter are about the impact of deindustrialisation on the West Midlands and, specifically, on the writer’s hometown of Dudley; they explore how such a physical manifestation of neoliberalism is mediated through working-class experience and collective memory. The chapter positions Cartwright’s texts as interventions into debates concerning class, identity, race and racism, political agency, and neoliberal discourse. It provides a reading of how a contemporary British writer has sought to register change through the articulation of a structure of feeling which is captured by engaging with the legacies of deindustrialisation as a defining experience. The chapter, therefore, examines how the dynamics of deindustrialisation are felt, lived, and understood by the contemporary working class. Cartwright’s texts engage with the socio-historical shifts of change and rupture but also, and importantly, continuity and endurance. While they often map political and social defeat onto their working-class characters, this does not equate to a definitive figuration of destruction or disappearance of class and working-class subjectivity. The chapter will explore trauma, the regional novel, realism, race, form and Thatcherism, New Labour, and the presence of the far right within working-class communities; it focuses specifically on Cartwright’s first three novels: The Afterglow (2004), Heartland (2009), and How I Killed Margaret Thatcher (2012).