Present-day China is governed by the Chinese Communist Party (the CCP). Why did democracy not succeed in China? Why has the CCP been able to maintain control of the government? What is the legitimate reason for this political control? Further, what kind of “historical narrative” is made in modern China? How does it comply with the victory of the Chinese Revolution, and what are the factors behind the formation of the People’s Republic of China as well as the “legitimacy” of the CCP’s rule? Is the People’s Political Consultative Conference (the People’s PCC) able to be claimed as a basis for the legitimacy of the CCP’s rule? Can it be said that “the establishment of the People’s Republic of China through the People’s PCC” was considered as a “reflection of gaining the consent of the people’s will?” These points will be critically evaluated with historical materials to show a proper shape of history based on these words: “History books should be written as it is from an objective point of view” (Hu Qiaomu 1994) in order to present a proper “historical account.”