potassium mine, carnallite-halite layer, potassic-magnesium salts, carnallite species, radius cracking, methods of research, the torpedoing of the massif. The object of the study is the carnallite-halite rock layer of the potassium-magnesium salt reservoir in the conditions of the Gremyachinsky GOK’s mine. The purpose of the study is to determine the radius of the effective cracking zone when torpedoing the carnallite-halite rocks of the potassium-magnesium salt formation by conducting mine experimental studies. In the process of research, mine experimental studies have been carried out to assess the radius of the effective cracking zone for carnallite-halite rocks when using an explosive substance to extinguish uglenites E-6. The effectiveness of the work performed - The results of the research will be used in the preparation of passports for drilling and blasting operations when driving the mine workings in the carnallite-halite layer of the potassium-magnesium salt formation in the Gremyachinsky GOK’s mine.