I discuss in this chapter the ways in which men and women communicate both verbally and nonverbally. I begin by describing the same-sex play preference which is linked to sex differences in interaction styles. Some of these differences extend into adulthood. In terms of language, men use more direct language and women use more indirect and tentative language. Some of these differences in language can be tied to differential status, with lower-status people using more indirect language than higher-status people. Sex differences in nonverbal behavior are some of the largest sex differences in communication. Women smile and gaze more than men, and women are better than men at both decoding and encoding nonverbal communication. These differences are more likely to be tied to social roles than to status, with the behavior of women being linked to communion—an orientation that fosters relationship. The chapter also discusses leadership—who emerges as the leader, leadership styles, and perceptions of men and women as leaders. Agentic leadership in women is penalized as it implies a lack of communion. The chapter concludes with a discussion of men’s and women’s experiences and expressions of emotion.