This chapter combines traditional and contemporary views of communication in complex organizations. It begins by considering how information flows through organizations, examining informal pathways such as the organizational grapevine as well as more formal communication routes. In the process, upward, downward, and horizontal flow are discussed, as well as ways in which structural diversity, transactive memory, and trust contribute to effective teambuilding.

In addition to developing interviewing skills, organizational members must understand how organizational cultures are constituted through communication. After looking at the importance of organizational metaphors, stories, and rites, the chapter goes on to consider how to conduct professional workplace relationships. It raises the topic of power and dominance first by discussing sexual harassment and then by examining ways organizations seek to control employees.

Using organizational technology effectively is essential in today’s organizational environments where membership in virtual teams is frequently required. The chapter discusses the cognitive surplus that can occur when problems are crowdsourced, as well as offering examples of the importance of choosing the right technology for the right job. It ends with a section on workplace ethics and includes some suggestions of ways to ensure that human rights, environmental protection, fair competition, and equal opportunity are safeguarded.