Augmentation method is an intra-component Tier 2 Method (T2M) that magnifies the number, size, or function of certain aspects of a solution, at either the component or the solution level. The search algorithm involves examining how components and the overall solution can be augmented in terms of structure, function, and quantity. The typical search variables that can be modified under this T2M are: components for which multiple units can be organized into a useful configuration; humans; functions served; and scale (quantity) and scope. This chapter discusses 10 T3Ms organized into four categories based on the specific search variables. The first category focus on introducing multiple units of a component into a solution to achieve various purposes. The second category focuses on increasing real or perceived human aptitude. The third category focuses on augmenting the existing functionality of the starting point without increasing the quantity of existing components. The fourth category augments the scale of what will be available.