The following is an extract from the quarterly report of the medical officer of the Lock Hospital at Aldershot, just presented to the Secretary of State for War. It will be noticed that Dr. Barr specially directs attention in his comments to the necessity of instituting systematic periodical examinations,—that is, of applying the Act more stringently than at present. https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table"> Patients remaining under treatment June 30th 47     Admissions since that day 183     Total under treatment during the quarter 230 Character of Disease.     Primary syphilis uncomplicated 10     Gonorrhœa 120     Primary syphilis and gonorrhœa complicated 38     Primary and secondary syphilis 1     Gonorrhœa and secondary syphilis 12     Gonorrhœa and syphilis, primary and secondary 2     Total 183 Discharged.     Cured 178     Uncured (from advanced pregnancy) 4     To Union (pregnant) 3     To Prison 1     To Asylums 6     To Friends 4     Average time required for cure 22.5 days. Remaining under treatment September 30th 48