Enterprises are able to exert influence on their suppliers and customers by making price-fixing agreements, for example. Enterprises have little to no influence however on the macro factors that are summarised in DESTEP model. DESTEP stands for Demographic, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Ecological and Politico-legal. These factors can also mutually influence each other. If a government allocates subsidies, different economic and technological changes occur. For the enterprise, this means that an analysis must be made for every factor, to establish what influence this factor can have on the strategy of the enterprise in the future. The result of the DESTEP analysis provides the enterprise with insight into the opportunities and threats approaching the enterprise from the six determinative factors. These are demographic factors, economic factors, socio-cultural factors, technological factors, ecological factors, and political and legal factors. The socio-cultural factors are related to the standards and values within a society.