Records of the Earl of Warwick’s regiment indicate that Hezekiah Haynes was in England in 1642 when civil war broke out. That Haynes was part of parliamentary forces at the beginning of the conflict fits with the picture of him as a Puritan shaped in the network of Essex, Norfolk and New England Puritanism. Haynes was only 21 when the civil war began. He participated in numerous skirmishes and battles of the first civil war. In the more bitter and bloody second civil war of 1648, Haynes was at the siege of Colchester and at the battle of Preston. In 1650, he was part of Cromwell’s invasion of Scotland, fighting at Dunbar, before being part of the New Model forces that ended royalist and Scottish hopes of overthrowing the republican regime at the Battle of Worcester in September 1651. War reshaped Haynes, bound him with his fellow soldiers and confirmed for them that they were fighting for a godly cause.