Suburban residential and industrial land uses in areas underlain by limestone bedrock are subject to a number of problems that are either unique to limestone areas or are accentuated by the presence of limestone. The problems are caused by the chemistry of limestone, which promotes solution of the rock along planes of weakness such as joint planes, bedding planes, lithologic contacts, and cleavage faces. Various types of problems encountered include structural instability, groundwater pollution potential, and groundwater contaminant travel.

The problems outlined above can be overcome or mitigated through planning or remedial action.

In areas that have not yet been extensively developed, regional planning for development can be instituted to prevent problems before they occur.

Where regional planning is not possible, site-specific action is necessary. This can be in the form of planning for a specific land use at a site or in the form of remedial action for existing land use.

Case study 1 describes an area-wide method for on-lot waste disposal planning; case study 2 is a methodology for site-specific planning for residential development. Remedial actions for existing problems are described in case studies 3 and 4.