Dick Leonard’s Modern British Prime Ministers from Balfour to Johnson surveys the lives and careers of all the 24 Prime Ministers from Arthur Balfour to Boris Johnson in succinct, informative and entertaining chapters.

Bringing to life the political achievements and personal idiosyncrasies of Britain's rulers over the 20th and 21st centuries, the author recounts the circumstances which took them to the pinnacle of British political life, probes their political and personal strengths and weaknesses, assesses their performance in office and asks what lasting influence they have had. Along the way Leonard entertains and informs, revealing little-known facts about the private lives of each of the Prime Ministers, for example, which two Premiers, one Tory, one Labour were taught by the same governess as a child? Who was thrashed at his public school for writing pornography and later donated one-fifth of his wealth to the nation? Who was awarded a fourth-class degree at Oxford and went on to father eight children? Who was described by his son as ‘probably the greatest natural Don Juan in the history of British politics'?

This book can also form part of a two-volume set published by Routledge including the companion volume British Prime Ministers from Walpole to Salisbury: The 18th and 19th Centuries.  

This book will be of key interest to scholars, students and readers of British political history, the Executive, government, and British politics.

chapter |5 pages


chapter 1|10 pages

Arthur Balfour

Bob's your uncle

chapter 2|11 pages

Henry Campbell-Bannerman

“A good, honest Scotchman”

chapter 3|13 pages

H.H. Asquith

Not quite in the Gladstone mould

chapter 4|15 pages

David Lloyd George

“A dynamic force”

chapter 5|9 pages

Andrew Bonar Law

Tory puritan

chapter 6|12 pages

Stanley Baldwin

“A man of the utmost insignificance”?

chapter 7|13 pages

Ramsay MacDonald

An ‘aristocrat’ among plain men?

chapter 8|12 pages

Neville Chamberlain

A family affair

chapter 9|11 pages

Winston Churchill

His finest hour

chapter 10|12 pages

Clement Attlee

Quiet revolutionary

chapter 11|11 pages

Anthony Eden

Self-destruction of a Prince Charming

chapter 12|13 pages

Harold Macmillan

Idealist into manipulator

chapter 13|10 pages

Alec Douglas-Home

Right man, wrong century?

chapter 14|15 pages

Harold Wilson

Master – or victim – of the short term

chapter 15|13 pages

Edward Heath

Cheerleader for Europe

chapter 16|12 pages

James Callaghan

Labour's conservative 1

chapter 17|15 pages

Margaret Thatcher

Grocer's daughter to Iron Lady

chapter 18|14 pages

John Major

“Thatcherism with a human face”

chapter 19|17 pages

Tony Blair

Fallen idol

chapter 20|18 pages

Gordon Brown

Dominant Chancellor, uncertain Premier

chapter 21|23 pages

David Cameron

The accidental architect of Brexit

chapter 22|18 pages

Theresa May

“A bloody difficult woman”?

chapter 23|17 pages

Boris Johnson

Statesman or buffoon?