Job Shop Lean is based on the ideas and work of several manufacturing pioneers and industry consultants whose work on Group Technology (GT), Cellular Manufacturing (CM), and the Toyota Production System (TPS) is available in the open literature. This chapter discusses the core concepts of Job Shop Lean that were derived from the writings of those pioneers. A manufacturing cell has the potential to reduce the time it takes to complete an order, create a team-based work environment for the employees who work in it, and increase job satisfaction through decision-making. Any high-mix low-volume manufacturer seeking to implement Job Shop Lean should invest in designing, and changing as necessary, their factory layout in order to achieve Flow. Appropriately, all constraints that hinder Flow help to determine Continuous Improvement projects to improve factory operations using other TPS/Lean tools such as Error Proofing, Quality At Source, Total Productive Maintenance, Workforce Engagement, and Setup Reduction.