Preliminary evidences indicated the need of educational program on caring knowledge to enhance the caring behavior and caring competency of the nursing students as they will be the future nursing workforce. The study aims to determine the effectiveness of a caring program implementation towards the study participants. Methods: We conducted a quasi-experimental with one group pre- and post-test design incorporated a structured educational intervention in a public nursing college (N=137). Caring behavior was measured using Caring Behavior Inventory (CBI-42 version) while caring competency inventory utilized the Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale (CNPI). Results: This study found a satisfactory score for both caring behavior and caring competency during pre-intervention with a significant positive relationship between caring behavior and caring competency (p = 0.00). A significant increased mean score in both variables were found during post intervention with the evidence of a significant positive relationship between caring behavior and caring competency (r = 0.631, p = 0.00). Conclusion: The study findings indicates the effectiveness of a Caring Program in enhancing the caring behavior and caring competency thus similar educational strategies is recommended to produce future nurses with professional caring attitude.