Stanley Milgram ideas for studies, sophisticated research methods, the ways in which variables were operationalized, and ultimately the weight of the issues he took up in his work – all of this demands that authors view him as one of the twentieth century’s most important psychologists. While the procedure suggested by Milgram is controversial, inducing extreme emotions among participants and often leading them to exit the laboratory as different people than they were when they entered it – for example, shorn of illusions about themselves – they still retain the right “to be forgotten.” Another aspect in which Milgram crossed all of the borders that a researcher can cross was in his failure to inform some of the participants that the electric shock generator was a non-functional mockup. Simply put, several decades after the original studies by Stanley Milgram, the authors have demonstrated that people remain exceptionally obedient, on condition that someone knows how to induce this obedience in us.