Chapter 3 discusses the ongoing conflict between the United States, the European Union, and Russia over the regional complex of Eastern Europe. This conflict between these great powers is one over the always-expanding European Union and the North American Treaty Alliance (NATO) into the Russian sphere of influence. The conflict began with the fall of the Soviet Union. Russian weakness after 1992 made it prey of the unipolar power of the United States and its allies in Europe. The euphoria of being part of the European Union has led many Eastern European countries to join regardless of their transition from a centralized government and economy to one of democracy and free market. Ukraine’s desire to join the West was the last straw for Russia. While a military intervention on Russia’s part is wholly unproductive, the West must maintain a disciplined position. The sanctions on Russia, as well as oil production, have made the country worse off. These sanctions must remain in place until there is a negotiated settlement over Ukraine. The chapter will also discuss ways the United States and Russia can cooperate to solve mutual problems such as neutralizing Islamic State and promoting a safe and secure Syria.