In modern life, leading to a dramatic increase in medical data, medical care has become one of the most important parts of human beings. Healthcare professionals are forthwith adopting Internet of Things (IoT) to maintain the line of diagnosis and assistance process. However, there are some problems of charnel house privacy risks and warranty concerns roughly of the disclosure of hand over and the logging of data transactions with these technologies. Some time a restrain in advance treatment timetually endangering the life of patients in future because the problem of showing those warranty and hide ways problems of medical front page. We recommend using the blockchain to make a secure management and analysis of healthcare data. Blockchain is a distributed ledger. It has store the data and record of transaction. They have also capability to transfer the data transaction from one account to another account. Blockchain have exorbitant price in competition and demand high bandwidth with extra computational power. We propose a novel framework of secure the healthcare data using blockchain and storing the IoT data using IoT devices, like: raspberry pi. To make IoT application data and transactions more secure and anonymous over a blockchain-based network we have to follow the solutions given here.