Export is the most common method of entry into international markets. Exports expand the markets, bring economies of scale due to increased production, more foreign exchange and employment opportunities. India began construction project exports in the 1970s. The export of engineering goods on deferred payment terms and the execution of turnkey projects and civil construction contracts abroad are collectively referred to as ‘project exports’. The Memorandum of Instructions on Project Exports and Service Exports (PEM), generally known as the Project Export Manual, contains instructions for exporters engaged in project exports. The current chapter provides details of the global construction market and project exports from India. The complexities of international contracting; factors in bidding for international projects; the overseas contract tendering process; the clearance of project export proposals; requirements relating to completed projects; steps to be taken by exporters on completion of contracts; and the preparation of the final report are explained in this chapter, which also includes a case study.