Politically I want to be recognized in, for instance, a census as a unit of the population with my lover. Wouldn't it be nice knowing, to the nearest half-dozen that, yes, there is a healthy 10 per cent of the population living in faggotry? That doesn't mean that I view partnership as the equivalent of marriage, though it can be. There must be something fundamentally, inwardly different. Outwardly the partnerships of two men or of a man and a woman may look similar. Possibly even in the former wifely roles might be assumed in which one partner does the things associated traditionally with the woman's part in marriage, like washing, cooking or the weekly shopping trip. The living together of two individuals, and the gradual loss of individuality. But it doesn't have to be that way. I want to be seen m coupledom, to supermarket on Sundays and to proclaim a loud defiance of the heterosexual marriage. Straights don't, after all, shop with the panache of male lovers. Out shopping you'll see us enjoying ourselves, expressing our faggotry through the supermarket trolley.