In comparison with the other continents of the world, demographic developments in Africa are far behind: life expectancy is 51 years, there are 5.1 children per married woman, and 20 percent of married women use contraceptives. Japan and Italy also exhibited a demographic decline, albeit for completely different reasons. India has both a pluralistic democracy and capitalism, but it is still one of the economically most backward countries in the world. One of the reasons for this is its explosive demographic development. "The global economy is the leitmotif of the end of the twentieth century. Driven by the logic of modern capitalism, the global economy, a product of the Third Industrial Revolution, is a wondrous free running system that is reordering the world as it transforms the lives and economic prospects of workers, corporations and nations.” “The global economy divides every society into new camps of conflicting economic interests. It undermines every nation’s ability to maintain social cohesion.”.