Earlier in this volume we pointed out that there was no intention of going over the same ground that Metcalf (1965), Ellsworth, and others had already covered in their works on library planning. This author's basic concern is to discuss the selection, evaluation, and procurement of furniture and equipment used in libraries. Most other aspects of planning library interiors were well covered by other writers, particularly in the 1960s during the boom in library building. However, there are some aspects of library interiors where there have been developments since earlier books on the subject or which, in this writer's view, require further treatment. Some developments in library interiors, new in the 1960s, have been with us long enough that they can now be better evaluated. And, of course, there are a few developments which are so new that earlier writers could not cover them. In this chapter, we will talk of some of these aspects, including environmental systems, materials and surfaces, transportation of people and materials, security, locational information, communication, and other aspects of library interior design and operation that contribute to a more functional and attractive building. In no case will we discuss any of these points exhaustively; in some cases a shelf of books would not exhaust these subjects. Rather, we will introduce each subject briefly and point out some particular problems, benefits, or applications for libraries.