As the properties of the polymers are reviewed, it can be seen that it is misleading to state that one of the major engineering plastics is always to be preferred to the others in particular environmental or use situation, or that one resin usually selected for its particular usefulness in a single type of application is limited to that application. Some sports equipment benefiting from the high-impact properties of the toughened nylon include roller skates, ice skates, racquets, bicycle wheels, and ski boots and bindings. Glass reinforcement in polycarbonate results in the expected improvements in mechanical properties over the base polymer, along with some offsetting reduction. The glass-reinforced modified PPE-based resins are typically found in electrical connectors, structural parts, television components, liquid-handling equipment, and business machine applications. Like the base polymer, glass-reinforced versions have excellent hydrolytic stability, along with greater strength and stiffness. At the same time, the glass-reinforced material is also susceptible to attack by halogenated and aromatic compounds.