Offers comprehensive coverage of currently available cancer predictors, the most recent research on carcinogenicity, and the design and interpretation of carcinogenicity experiments. Presents mouse, rat, and human carcinogenicity data for the liver, kidney, breast, cervix, prostate, hematopoietic system, colon, skin, urinary bladder, mouth, stomach, thyroid, and pancreas.

part |202 pages

Predicting Carcinogenicity

chapter 8|15 pages

The ke Test

part |119 pages

Interpreting Carcinogenicity: Organs with High Animal and Low Human Cancer Rates

part |184 pages

Interpreting Carcinogenicity: Organs with High Animal and High Human Cancer Rates

part |122 pages

Interpreting Carcinogenicity: Organs with Low Animal and High Human Cancer Rates

part |44 pages

Interpreting Carcinogenicity: Summary of All Organs