Pharmacotherapy of drug and alcohol dependence is a highly valuable portion of the physician’s armamentarium, and all physicians need to be well acquainted with the range of agents used and their purpose. Even if doctors choose not to use drugs for specific purposes, they will often encounter new patients who are on these drugs. It is to be emphasized that pharmacotherapy should never be undertaken without establishing a physician-patient relationship including a clear articulation of the contract relating to drug use. Substance-abusing persons are at major risk to abuse therapeutic agents. Drug and alcohol addicts or abusers readily acquire abuse for other substances, almost always having a consumption of caffeine-containing beverages and cigarettes well above average. Any behavior-modifying drugs, particularly sedatives, soporifics, tranquilizers, and pain-controlling drugs, have a high potential for abuse so are used with care if at all. Table 26 lists the broad classes of drugs that will be discussed in this chapter.