Extremity radiography will require some type of table for the patient to place the extremity on. Any Bucky work can be done with the upright wall Bucky. For lower extremity radiography, a recumbent Bucky should be available. Extremity radiography of the hands, wrists, feet, and ankles requires fine or high detail cassettes. The two-screen cassettes will usually use the same film that is used for spinal work. The emulsion must be placed next to the screen when the cassette is loaded. Most cassettes have scribed marks or arrows on the border to assist in dividing the cassette into quarters. A full-coat lead apron will provide the best radiation protection for the patient when seated for upper extremity views. The radiation will pass through the cassette and provide unnecessary radiation exposure to the legs. While extremity views can be taken without positioning aids, radiographic sponges will make it much easier and less painful for the patient.