This chapter provides an overview of the object-oriented paradigm, common methodologies, how it is an outgrowth of discrete-event simulation, and then its applicability to distributed systems. Conveniently, not only does the object-oriented paradigm support real world modeling, it also supports partitioning and allocation across multiple processors. No one can deny the continued impact that the object-oriented paradigm is having across the broad spectrum of computer science. System modeling is the key to simulation design. Modeling is directly related to the software engineering design phase. Hence, object-oriented analysis and design techniques are of interest to both the simulation designer and the software engineer. The object modeling technique has three primary phases: analysis, system design, and object design. The goal of analysis is to build a correct and comprehensible model of the real world. Finally the object-oriented paradigm is directly related to discrete event simulation and the natural analysis and design method for modeling distributed computing systems.