The Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear incidents emphasized the need for the world-wide nuclear community to cooperate further and exchange the results of research in this field in the most open and effective manner. Recognizing the roles of heat and mass transfer in all aspects of fission-product behavior in sever reactor accidents, the Executive Committee of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer organized a Seminar on Fission Product Transport Processes in Reactor Accidents. This book contains the eleven of the lectures and all the papers presented at the seminar along with four invited papers that were not presented and a summary of the closing session.

part 2|192 pages

Fuel Behavior and Fission Product Release

part 3|220 pages

Transport Phenomena in the Reactor Coolant System

part 5|142 pages

Containment Transport Phenomena

part 6|132 pages

The Accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl

chapter |14 pages

The TMI-2 Scenario

part 7|11 pages

Closing Session