The Disadvantage of a Colony that loses the Liberty of Commerce, is visibly compensated by the Protection of the Mother-Country, who defends it by her Arms, or supports it by her Laws. From hence follows a third Law of Europe, That when a foreign Commerce with a Colony is prohibited, it is not lawful to trade in their Seas. In Great-Britain, to defray the necessary Services of the Government, Estimates are laid before the House of Commons, of which they, if they please, may judge of the Necessity, as well as of the Quantum; the Funds, however, are raised; but the Application is left to his Majesty. If there are any Misapplications, it is with the Commons to enquire; and Nothing is more dreaded, than a parliamentary Scrutiny. The disposition of officers, is an inherent right of the crown; and is a part of that power lodged in the branch of the legislature, to keep up the balance.