Good and righteous Rulers are justly to be reckoned among the chiefest and choicest Blessings, that Heaven can bestow on men formed into society; and consequently the loss of them may be well accounted as severe an affliction, as can befal a country. A righteous Ruler then, is One that in all his Designs and Actions, proposes and pursues the Welfare and Prosperity of the Public; and disdains all selfish, narrow views, that appear inconsistent with the good of the Community. There is still one thing more necessary, to finish the Character of a righteous Ruler; and to endear him effectually to the serious, the better and wiser part of Mankind; and that is, a just and reasonable Concern for the honor of GOD. Again, righteous Rulers consider themselves as guardians of the public peace and happiness; in which view they cannot make their own interests distinct or separate from those of their people.